Pure and Raw since 2010

Sant’Andrea’s Brewery – BSA – is born in 2010 in Vercelli, thanks to the extreme passion for the Beer of a bunch of mates who even now, after some years dangerously, enjoy together making Beer and Rock’n Roll!
Why the name Sant’Andrea? Because the Church of Sant’Andrea is the monument which represents the town of Vercelli and that welcomes the visitors with its strength.
Just beside the Church you find the source of “Acqua del Lucca”, a precious water which everybody could benefit and appreciate drinking our BSA Beers.
Beer to the People!!!

Rise Up, Beer Up!

BSA is born just for fun. A beer here and a beer there, step by step it’s began to grow and develop as a real business. More and more. A very healthy company, all do-it-yourself, in the maximum respect for the environment and of the quality of the product.
We began with two classic beers, a Pils style, la Bionda del Leone, dedicated to our amazing Pro Vercelli soccer Team, and a pure Strong English bitter, La Rossa Del Gallo, which represents the weathercock on on the Sant’Andrea’s cathedral.
Starting from these two first experiences we followed on developing a whole range of beers able to satisfy every tastes, even the most exigent ones!

Here the adventure begins, from nature to draft.

Find out how our beer comes to light. The proceedings, all the little tricks and every character of our producing plant which are not simple machines but Real rock stars who are capable of giving life to a unique show.

The Raw materials

The recepies of our beers require just 4 elements: Water, Malt, Hop and Yeast. The Fab Four! The most important (and difficult) thing is find always the right balance to reach perfect melodies and hit parade tastes.


The King is a MILL and it has the first, important job to do: Carefully grind the beans malt. Off we go!


In the MUST MACHINE Muddy is where it happens the first meeting between the very deeply ground Malt and the very Hot Hot Water… Blub, blub, blub… and it’s immediately Rock’n Roll! The sugars dance freely, giving free rein to their best qualities. That’s how it was born the sweetish liquid named Must of Malt. At the end it will remain only the threshers, the refuses, which will be recycled into fodder and manure.


When the Must comes into the “hands” of Freddy The Boiler it is re-warmed for almost one hour, before The meeting with a very important fellow: Mr Hop which, if added after, will increase the bitter while on the contrary will be more active on the flavor.


This very funny fellow has the task to refresh the must very quickly during its transfer to the fermentation. Yuppie!!

Jack & Elwood and Cab

While the good is beer born needs the right water reserves, either hot than cold, and it’s up to the Blues Brothers and the old Calloway, make it always available at the right temperature.

Time Out!

Here they come our fellow, the fermenter: Joe (Strummer), Sid (Vicious), DeeDee (Ramone), Woody (Guthrie), Darby (Crash), Gene (Vincent), Eddie (Cochran) and the Big Guy Lemmy, where the Must, after adding yeast, begins its period of fermentation, transforming into Beer in only few days. Since that moment, a little rest will help our beloved beer to mature perfectly. Rock’n’ Roll!

Loco Loco

Beer is ready! Straightaway and well-timed is the intervention of the Loco Loco Machine. It’s a BOTTLER and a LABELER which goes fast like a train and never gives up! 1600/1800 beers per hour, is it fast do’? The Train keep rollin’ all day long!

The Bottles

Loco Loco knows them very well, BSA only uses DARK BROWN ones, no green or see-through glass, because the light can play a bad joke to our dear beer. But, please: don’t let them hanging around, don’t let them full, don’t let them empty!